How Long Would A Sustainable Home Retrofit Take in London?

The timeframe for a sustainable home retrofit in London can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the project, the availability of materials and contractors, and the level of customisation required. Generally, a home retrofit can take a few weeks to several months to complete.

For example, a simple retrofit project such as upgrading insulation or replacing windows may take a few weeks. A more extensive retrofit project involving significant structural changes, new external or internal insulation, or new energy-efficient heating and ventilation systems may take several months.

In London, additional factors can impact the timeframe for a home retrofit project. For instance, there may be restrictions on construction hours, noise levels, and street closures that can slow down the construction process. Additionally, there may be a higher demand for materials and contractors in the city, which can cause delays in sourcing and scheduling.

Abraham Lincoln famously said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Taking the time to thoroughly prepare for your project is time well spent. Attempting to chop down a tree with a dull axe, could not only take days but would be an exhausting exercise. So in addition to the time taken for the construction work, it is prudent to ensure sufficient time for the preparation. 

The overall process can be broken down into several stages, including initial assessments, design and planning, technical design, sourcing contractors and materials, and construction. Each stage may have its time frame, and delays in one stage can impact the overall timeline for the project. The overall process is not dissimilar to the summary outlined in our alterations and extensions guide

However, if you are targeting a sustainable retrofit standard like Passivhaus, the detailed design required to ensure performance is more complex and will add time. It is also a specialism that is in high demand and qualified designers are in short supply.

So if you are considering a home retrofit in London, consulting with a qualified professional early on is best. An architect specialising in sustainability will be familiar with the local regulations and be able to advise on the complexity of your project and more accurately estimate the overall time frame based on your specific needs and circumstances.

If you would like a free call to discuss your project’s timeframe, you can submit your details via our consultation page and we will contact you to arrange a suitable time.


How Long Would a Home Alteration or Extension Take in London?


What Is Retrofit?